Sunday 27 March 2011

The Role of the Teacher Librarian continues

My journey of learning the vast and amazing role of the teacher librarian continues. This is a fantastic YouTube video which one of the lovely ETL401 students alerted me to.

 A major mission is to ensure that our students are effective users and producers of ideas of information and are information literate!

Wednesday 16 March 2011

The Extensive role of the Teacher Librarian

Wow, after my initial readings, my knowledge and definition of the TL has totally expanded.The role of TL is so multifaceted. Purcell's (2010) article identifies the following rolesof a TL as: leader, instructional partner, information specialist, teacher and programme administrator. Does such a person exist with all of these expert attributes??

I am absolutely amazed by the huge amount of work and expectations that is expected of a expert TL, it is quite overwhelming! Doing a timestudy would be a useful process, it would highlight where you are most productive and where you are time wasting. I think the priorities of the library need to be established beforehand, reflected upon and modified if needed. Hence a school library policy is paramount. It needs to facilitated by the TL and heads of school, so the main objectives are listed, implemented and regularly evaluated. The whole school needs to be consulted and informed, so the library or media centre is at the heart of the school.

Coming from a teaching background, I know I could be bias, but I believe the role of the 'teacher' should be up at the top of the list of the roles of TL, if not the top! Look at the title 'Teacher Librarian', the first word is 'teacher'! However, the knowledge of the content, that is, information and technology literacy is also imperative. I believe they go hand in hand, but I am hoping that my passion as a teacher will get me through and I will learn the technical skills along the way via professional development.

Eventhough it is rather daunting, because I don't see myself at all knowledgeable about information literacy, I will continue on my information literacy journey and establish my own ETL401 learning priorities. At the top of this list is doing the essential readings and gathering information for assignment 1!

Friday 4 March 2011

Inspired by our kids

Recently, I have been inspired by my 8 year old son, Liam. This year, his school librarian has introduce their class to the Premiers Reading challenge. See link

He had already read the 15 books which is the required amount needed at the end of September 2011. He has really got into reading, perhaps it is an accumulation of our weekly visits to the local library, or perhaps the bug has just bitten him! I believe this is a definite role of the TL to inspire and motivate children to read.

Thursday 3 March 2011

The journey has begun.

I am very excited at starting this Teacher Librarianship at Charles Sturt University but my only real contact with librarians has been to check my books out or to ask where a particular book is! In 1998, I relieved for a TL who went on long service leave for a term, here I read the children a book, helped them borrow a book and generally just kept the library running. I have a real passion for children's literature, teaching literary and engaging children in learning. I know this course is going to be a huge learning curve for me and I look forward to discovering the role of the Teacher Librarian, to gain knowledge and pass these processes onto our students.
My original training has been in primary teaching but the majority of my teaching has been in Environmental and Outdoor Education. In this field the major learning component is experiential based. Personally it has been fantastic to watch and facilitate students through these new experiences and life skills.